My Miracle Healing

February 2, 2009

Not only did my healing happen six weeks after I heard the very first message God would speak to me, Tui Sum, but it happened on the very day my mother died 16 years earlier!

Exact words from my journal:
It’s been two months now since my healing and I’ve found myself just going through the motions of everyday life again like nothing ever happened. And believe me something big did happen. Something very big! I was completely healed of a serious illness. Two months ago, I suddenly woke in the middle of the night to the words “Tui Sum.” I had no idea what the words meant or why I heard them. My daughter thought the words were Latin meaning “I am with you always.

My brother had prayed for me on the night of my healing, and it seemed like I wept for hours. I did not feel healed by his prayer, but I did cling to something he said. He had incredible faith and asked if I believed what Jesus said, or what the world says? Did I believe His words or the words of man? He also said he believed it was not my time. We stayed up very late talking and praying, then I finally crawled into bed next to my husband who was already asleep.

I collapsed in bed, completely exhausted, and found myself clinging to the words of my brother who said, “do you believe the word of God or the words man, and, it’s not your time.” I began saying over and over, “I believe your words God, I choose not to die before my time,” and eventually I fell asleep.

I don’t know how long I lay there, but all of a sudden I was brought awake and saw a vision of Jesus standing above me on the left side of the bed. It was as if I could see Him clearly yet I was aware my eyes were closed. It was like there was no ceiling in the room, yet I knew there was one.

He was very tall (12 ft?) and dressed in a long white robe. I could not see his face because He was so incredibly tall – and because in between Jesus and I  – was my dear brother. He was reaching up to Jesus with one hand and reaching down to me with his other hand. Then as soon as I grasped his hand, I suddenly heard in my mind…“Woman, you are healed!” It was loud and clear and spoken with great authority! 

I instantly began to weep and rolled out of bed onto my knees and started to pray and give thanks. It all seemed to be rather a blur after that. I don’t know how long I stayed on my knees crying, but I vaguely remember crawling back in bed and falling into a deep, deep sleep.

All this time my husband lay next to me sound asleep. He never woke once. He knew nothing of what had happened! Was he not allowed to wake? Was time stopped?

The next morning I went downstairs (my husband had gone to work) in a daze of sorts and told my brother (who lived with us at the time) what had happened. We both cried and hugged and thanked God through our tears. I explained to him that I felt rather odd, like my abdomen was tingling all over, almost as if it was lit up with electricity, and that I felt like I needed to lie down and rest. He then relayed a healing story of his own when he was healed by God and that he remembered that same feeling. It was like all the cells in your body were sent into hyper drive somehow and you needed to shut down for a while until they went back to normal.

I did lie down and rested the entire day, completely drained – and completely healed!

There was also another miracle that day. This all happened on the very day my mother died – 16 years earlier (see Supernatural 1993). Was she instrumental in my healing? I believe she was, but only God knows. I do know my brother was instrumental as he had prayed for me the night before and I saw him in my vision reaching for my hand, as he reached for the hand of Jesus hovering above him. It truly was a miracle!

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A few months later on April 26, 2009, I was awakened again in the middle of night to a message given with the same strength and authority. I awoke from a sound sleep to hear the words “Make Your Hearts Right with God.”  I didn’t know what to do other than write what I heard in my journal. Little did I know, that these words would be the first of hundreds of messages I would receive from God in the years to come.

As I finally share these miraculous and supernatural happenings in my life, I pray that after reading them, you will take heed (see Messages 12/19/13) and Make Your Heart Right with God.

For Such a Time as This