Supernatural – 2012

June 2012 – A Supernatural Computer Message!

It was yet another weekend night of me feeling frustrated and very unhappy. My husband was an alcoholic at that time and didn’t want to do anything except sit and drink until time to go to bed. I would be left to watch a movie or busy myself with something on the weekends after work. I was married yet I felt totally alone. His physical body was there, but his mental, emotional, and spiritual body was not. He was not able to be present.

On this particular night, as I watched him go upstairs with yet another beer in hand, I felt myself getting extremely upset and angry (the enemy!) and thought to myself, if he won’t stop drinking, I won’t stop eating. I’ll just get fat! He doesn’t care about my feelings, so why should I care about his? So I started some buttery popcorn in the microwave, then went to living room and turned on the television, and the movie, The Bodyguard, happened to be on. It was during a scene with Whitney Houston.

As I sat there watching, I could feel myself getting even more and more angry. Suddenly, I changed my mind and decided I would GO OUT TO A MOVIE – just to get out of the house! Anything was better than sitting at home – basically by my self.

So I angrily stormed to the computer in the other room to see what was playing at the local theater feeling miserably alone, irritated, empty, furious and sad all at once! When the computer finally came on, I googled the local theater and clicked on a movie trailer that looked interesting.

BUT...instead of the trailer coming on screen, it suddenly changed to a completely black screen!

THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN OUT OF NOWHERE, white words started moving across the screen, like they were being typed but only one line at a time. It was as if it were talking to me (just like in the movie The Matrix). I wanted to run and get a pen and paper but didn’t dare because I didn’t want to miss anything – it was moving that fast! There was only time to read one line at a time as it moved across the screen – one line disappearing, as another one started. Like I’m typing right now, but you couldn’t look back to read it, there just wasn’t time as it kept typing away, one line disappearing and another starting.

When it finally stopped, I sat in a daze. What just happened? I couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t even remember what it said exactly. However, I DID remember the “feeling” I had while reading it. It all happened so fast! I could barely keep up reading each line. My mind just couldn’t keep up or process it fast enough. Or was that on purpose?

Even though I couldn’t remember the message, thefeeling I had during the whole time WAS memorable! There seemed to be a sense of urgency throughout the whole thing, like the time is now. Stop wasting time! Life is short.

The only thing that I really DID remember was at some point, the words running across the screen said…“even Whitney Houston…did something or knew something.” I could not remember exactly what it said about her, but it felt like she knew time was short, or she was close to God, or was also married to an alcoholic, or maybe all three?

BUT MOST IMPORTANT – the fact that her name was mentioned really got my attention!!! I was just watching her on television moments before! I was so intensely angry at the time and totally in self-sabotage and destruction mode.

Was God or an angel speaking to me through the computer? Was it to make me wake up and stop wasting so much precious time so concerned about self?

That was the general feeling of the message – time is short, nothing else matters, stop wasting time, it’s time to…? Somehow, it had something to do with God and it felt as though I was supposed to DO something. But I had absolutely no clue what it might be!

When it was over, I quickly tried to get back to that same trailer but it simply played the trailer like normal. I tried over and over and over, and even turned the computer off and on thinking it was a fluke one-time ad that would pop up when the computer was first turned on, but it never came up again. It truly was supernatural. I sat in stunned disbelief. What had just happened? It was like I was suspended in a “time” moment.

I finally went upstairs (in a dazed and still slightly trembling state) to tell my husband what had just happened. But it was too late. He could not hear or process the magnitude of it. I was left to try to interpret the message by myself. It seems it was meant for me and me alone. Only I was supposed to know how important it was. I sat dumfounded – numb and alone – not knowing what to do.

The only thing I did know was that I wanted to draw closer to God and began reading the Bible more and more often. After a few months, I told my husband I wanted to get baptized and I couldn’t believe it when he agreed to go with me! God was waiting for just that! He had a purpose and a plan for both of us. After getting baptized and giving my heart to Jesus, God really started moving in my life! (See Messages 2013-15.)

11/25/12:  Woke in the middle of the night to hear: “Luke 3:16” 

My husband and I were to be baptized that morning, and on the way to the church, I suddenly remembered I heard Luke 3:16 during the night and wanted to look it up because I had absolutely no idea what it said! Now remember, we were only beginning to read the Bible and learn about Christ and did not know or have any scriptures memorized. So, imagine my surprise when I pulled out my phone and looked up Luke 3:16. I remind you, this happened on our way to be baptized!

Luke 3:16

I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.

He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

We COULDN’T believe it! This was no coincidence! How likely is it that I would be awakened the night before I was to be baptized to hear a scripture about being baptized? It was truly a supernatural God miracle! I wept and wept through the entire baptism. Even the pastor, members of the congregation, and my family were wiping tears away. I could not contain it. I was baptized with the Holy Spirit and with fire just as the scripture I woke to foretold.

This would be the beginning of a heightened awareness and intensity of messages received from God during the following years (see Messages 2013-2015). The messages have continued to this day, but not with the fervency of the years 2013-15.

When we got home after the baptism, feeling the Holy Spirit on me, I reached for my Bible and it fell open to Psalm 71:18.

Psalm 71:18
Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not: until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.

I am now old and greyheaded, and I pray that through this website, you of this generation will sense God’s strength and power through these writings, and go on to share with the generation(s) to come. I pray this sharing will be known as… G O D R I P P L E S.

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