The Beginning of God Speaking to Me

12/15/08  Woke in the middle of night to: “Tui Sum”

This was the very first of many messages I would receive from God in the years to come (see Messages).  I was awaked from a sound sleep, and suddenly heard “Tui Sum.” It was not audible, yet I could see and hear it in my mind. I had no idea what it meant, but I absolutely could not forget it. I mentioned it to my daughter and son-in-law (both university students) and they thought it was Latin and the meaning was…I am (or my love is) with you always. I had no idea of the significance of this message at that time.

4/2/09 God supernaturally healed me. It happened on the exact day my mother died – 16 years earlier (Supernatural/My Healing).

4/26/09  Woke in the middle of the night to: Make your hearts right with God.”

This second message was very clear, again not audible, yet I could somehow hear it in my mind. All of a sudden, I woke up to to an awareness of the words like they were spoken to me. This message came just weeks after my miracle healing. I believe it was not only intended for my husband and I, but for the entire world. If you don’t know Jesus, I urge you to “make your hearts right with God” before it is too late.


(Messages 2014)

3/6/10  Woke to:Unbroken Silence

God had miraculously healed me one year earlier (see Supernatural), and I had done nothing with that precious gift. This was his one and only message to me for the entire year of 2010…Unbroken Silence. It was so true! I had been silent. I had done nothing. How incredible it was to hear those two simple, yet perfectly perfect words.

I could not have come up with such a powerful and absolutely perfect message. It was imbedded deeply into my spirit. This could ONLY have come from God. He was letting me know he could not use me when I was suspended in unbroken silence.

Mu husband and I were to be baptized that day. It was the Sunday before Thanksgiving. We were both sprinkled as children, but now knew the significance of baptism and truly wanted to give our hearts fully to God.

As we were driving to church that morning, I suddenly remembered I had heard Luke 3:16 during the night. Neither of us had any idea what that particular scripture was. We were only beginning to read the Bible and did not know or have any scriptures memorized at all. Imagine our surprise when I pulled out my phone and googled Luke 3:16. I remind you, this happened on our way to be baptized.

Luke 3:16

I baptize you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

How likely is it that a scripture about baptism would be spoken to me the very night before I was to be baptized? It was clearly a supernatural message from God!

Evidently there were two screens showing the entire baptism and many in the congregation were weeping – as well as the pastor! Perhaps because it was husband and wife, or maybe because I was crying through the entire thing. It’s difficult to describe the feeling. It’s as if a light has been turned on inside you.

It is a glorious feeling. You are made new. The past is washed away, the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and you will be given eternal life in heaven. All you have to do is open the door and invite him into your heart. I pray you do.

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