Visions – 2021

2/13/21  I was awakened in the middle of the night to a vision of four round spheres (with a grid in each) and each one was divided into quarters… 1st was ¼, 2nd was ½, 3rd was ¾ and last … Read More

Dreams – 2021

1/17/21 DREAM of watching two people, a man and woman, who I first thought were simply out sight-seeing, but then realized they were definitely walking with purpose and knew where they were going. I continued watching as they went down … Read More

Dreams – 2020

4/30/20 DREAM I’m in a room wandering around unable to open my eyes, like they’re almost glued shut. I keep trying really hard but they will not open all the way and the little I can see is very blurry. … Read More

Visions – 2020

9/1/20 Woke to a vision of looking out the window of a tall building (toward the east) at a volcano erupting in the distance, then felt myself frantically running down lots of stairs to get to ground level. When I … Read More

Visions – 2017

4/26/17 VISION Woke to a vision of a Chinese/Asian(?) army attacking Portland, Oregon. It was a total surprise attack! I first saw a submarine coming up the Willamette River, followed by lots of airplanes. Then all of sudden, an army … Read More

Supernatural – 2016

November 7, 2016 Woke to: “Propitiation”This was not a word in my vocabulary! Later that day, I decided to run some errands after poor communication with my daughter regarding the election, and telling her I had voted for people I thought had … Read More

Visions – 2015

5/1/15 I suddenly woke from a deep sleep and had vision of a….. bacteria? organism? virus? It was as if I was looking through a microscope! Then I saw the outline of the state of North Carolina like it was … Read More

Dreams – 2014

1/12/14 DREAM I was healing a man while speaking in another language. I spoke louder and louder and louder until I felt the release/calm come over me from the Holy Spirit, which told me that my prayer had been heard and … Read More

Dreams – 2013

12/20/13 Woke from a dream where I was frantically running from a HUGE tornado in a big city and finally found safety in a subway. I wrote the dream down in my bedside notebook because it was so vivid, then … Read More

Supernatural – 2011

Early one morning in the spring of 2011, my car key was supernaturally bent by an angel to keep me from driving while drunk and possibly killing myself or someone else. I had gone out to a local restaurant with … Read More

Supernatural – 2010

3/6/10  Woke in middle of night to “Unbroken Silence.”This came to me one year after God had miraculously healed me (see My Healing). I had done nothing after being completely healed. I had been silent. This was a supernatural message from … Read More