Words from God – 2013

1/26/13 Woke to: “Come up to me and I will show thee the words of the parables.

I was suddenly awakened in the middle of the night to hear those words! This happened almost exactly two months after I was baptized on 11/25/12.

It was so unusual to hear the word “thee” that I couldn’t believe it. Where did it come from? What did it mean? Was it God or an angel speaking to me? It was such a shock and so incredibly vivid and clearly spoken, I didn’t know what to do! I pondered it for what seemed like hours, wrote it down, and finally fell back asleep.

Then, later the same night, I was awakened again! This time I heard: “Proverbs 6:16.” That was it. I had no idea what it said, but wrote it down too and fell back asleep again. I googled Proverbs 6:16 the next morning:

Proverbs 6:16
For there are six things the Lord hates – seven that are detestable to Him.

A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that creates wicked plans, feet that run to evil, a false witness that speaks lies, one who spreads discord.

That morning, all I could think (or wanted) to do was start reading the Bible, so I started reading the New Testament and suddenly the words started becoming alive to me. Everything I read, even the parables, became easy to understand whereas before they seemed difficult to understand. Every word seemed to sink into my spirit.

I remember getting on my knees a few weeks after my baptism and asking God for more. I knew there was more and wanted to press in closer to Him. God heard my prayer and answered me – big time! I soon began getting more and more messages, as well as dreams, visions, and even supernatural encounters! (See Messages 2014-15.)

1/27/13 The following day after hearing, Come up to me and I will show thee the words of the parables.

My brother invited me to his church that morning, and as the pastor spoke, I felt led to go forward when he invited anyone who wanted prayer to come forward. I don’t even remember what he said exactly, but I DO REMEMBER when he touched my head and started praying, I almost fell backward. My brother was behind me, and I leaned into him as I felt myself move backward. It felt as if I was gently being pushed back, like being blown by the wind.

I don’t know what exactly happened, but I DO KNOW, God would begin speaking to me in the following years, and I would receive prophetic dreams and visions, and supernatural encounters.

6/29/13 Woke to: “Physician Heal Thyself.
I googled it the next day as I had no idea what it could mean. It turned out to be a scripture in the Bible, Luke 4:23, where after healing people in Nazareth, where Jesus grew up, the people thought he was simply the son of Joseph. Jesus said, “surely you will quote this proverb to me: “Physician heal yourself!” Then he continued, Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his home town.Was God telling me, this would be true for me? For the next four days, I opened the Bible to this exact same page!!!

6/30/13 Woke again to: “Physician Heal Thyself.

After holding prayer vigil over my cousin on this day and trying to articulate how Jesus had healed me and that she could be healed also, God woke me again to the very same words as the night before, “Physician heal thyself.” This time, I knew God definitely intended the message for me. He wanted to tell me that I am to share my testimony and the messages he gives me with people away from my home town, away from family and friends, for they know me only as their sister, mother, cousin, friend, etc. I was to share what he tells me with the world.

Note: I would continue to hear or be shown “Luke 4:23” for three more days.

As I was writing this today, I looked at the time and it was 7:17 – the day of my birth. That was the day given me to fulfill God’s purpose for my life to include many trials, tribulations and sorrows, as well as great joy and happiness. And now in this last season of my life, I am to share all he has given me, and all he has to offer to the rest of the world.

What joy I feel at this moment knowing God is with me always (right now I feel His presence and his smile) as I finally get it. A tear drops from my right eye. A sign to me acknowledging the Holy Spirit moving in me. I am ready God. Lead me in this new direction to share my relationship with you with the world.

12/12/13 Woke to: “Arise and be well.” I received this message this day, feeling so very grateful for life and having this new, and close relationship with God.

12/15/13 Woke to: “Do you think it’s right to let someone you love walk alone without God, among the wicked, the _______?, the ________?, the _______? without telling them THE TRUTH?I was surprised I was not allowed to remember the three words, but I knew I was to tell those I love, and all who read this about the great love Jesus has for us. He is the ONLY way, the ONLY TRUTH, and the ONLY way to everlasting life. He waits for you to invite him into your heart and life.

I AM the way, THE TRUTH, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

12/19/13 Woke to: “Take Heed.
I awoke from deep sleep to hear a very loud TAKE HEED. I had watched the movie Left Behind that day and in it, an angel was prophesying to people to “take heed” when speaking about the end times. I highly recommend you watch the movie or read Revelation in the Bible to learn what is to come in the last days.

12/20/13 Woke to: “Take note and be sorrowful.

I believe this message refers to the last days as depicted in the movie yesterday. Again, I pray you take heed and watch the movie or study the Bible about the end times. Or google information about the end times, the rapture, and when Jesus will come back. You can also read Matthew 24 in the Bible. There is great sorrow and devastation to come during the tribulation. Take note – for there is Great Sorrow to come. However, if you know Jesus you will not have to endure it. All you have to do is repent, ask forgiveness of your sins, and invite him to come into your heart. Your background does not matter. He will welcome you with open arms. I pray you do it now before it is too late.

12/30/13 Woke to: “4679
I had no idea what it meant, but wrote it down in the dark of night and sleepily scribbled 4679 in my notebook. The next morning, I remembered what a strange message to receive and asked my husband what he thought it might mean. He said, “That’s your phone number isn’t it?” We both laughed, and he said, “God is calling you!!! Write it in your journal!”

Note: I could not see where I was writing in my journal that night as I didn’t turn the light on, but the next day I saw I had scribbled 4679 over the top of words I had written way back in 1993. The words were… instrumental in helping build something to help a lot of people – global. I had scribbled 4679 on top of those words – 20 years later!

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