DREAM I was healing a man while speaking in another language. I spoke louder and louder and louder until I felt the release/calm come over me from the Holy Spirit, which told me that my prayer had been heard and he was healed.
I fell back asleep, then later woke to the words, “Friends and relatives will see you not” (see Messages 2014). To me, God was letting me know that my friends and family will not see the significance of these writings, or that I have any gifting in the prophetic or healing. I later learned that Jesus said in Luke 4:24: “Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his home town.“
Early this night before the dream below, I was awakened to three loud knocks like someone was knocking on the door. My husband lay next to me and didn’t hear a thing, so I sleepily wrote it down in my notebook next to the bed, and quickly fell back asleep.
Later, I had a DREAM in which I walked by a room where a man was sitting at a desk looking at a newspaper. I felt in my spirit that he was looking for a sign. I went in and said, “I do that too, I ask God for a sign.” Then, I noticed that a newspaper was taped on the wall next to his desk and as I looked at it, I saw the word “Now” as it got bigger “NOW” and bigger “NOW” and suddenly I woke up!
Was it an angel loudly knocking? Was God sending me the message, “This is your sign! NOW, NOW, NOW!”
As I write this in 2021, I know this definitely WAS a sign from God. Yet, I did nothing at that time. I didn’t know what to do, except write about it, as I did with ALL the messages I was being given. NOW I am doing something. NOW is the time. NOW is the time God knew all along I would finally get it. For such a time as this.
I wrote about this also on the Messages page because I not only had the dream, but I also heard something that night (Messages 2014).
DREAM of a group of people dressed in ancient middle eastern garb (very similar to Assyrian depiction below). One group on the left was asking another group on the right for something. The group on right then asked how they would be “recompensed.” I can still hear that word in my mind. Recompense was not a word in my vocabulary at that time, I had to look it up! I felt the group on the left wanted the seed (DNA?) of man. Over the next few days, I would hear or read the word “recompense” several times.
DREAM. I woke in the middle of the night from a very disturbing dream about the end times. Then, all of a sudden I heard the words, “The time is at hand”(see Messages). In the dream, I was shown several signs, one after another, after another, and ALL the signs were leading to some kind of desolation.
The signs were listed in chronological order 1. 2. 3.., but all I could remember or see when I woke up was the very last one. I remembered/saw the words “These are the written words.”
4. These are the written words.
We know from the book of Revelation in the Bible that desolation is coming in the end days and it will be our choice to believe in Jesus and that his words are truth. People will either believe or they won’t. The consequences of unbelief will be unimaginable suffering. I saw it. It will be your choice.
I pray that you, dear readers, will TAKE HEED (Messages 2013), and MAKE YOUR HEARTS RIGHT WITH GOD (The Beginning 2009) because THE TIME IS AT HAND (Messages 2014).
DREAM that my son and I were walking together toward a bluff of some kind overlooking an ocean. It was twilight and suddenly a big bright star moved through the sky and stopped just to the right (1:00 position) in the night sky. Then, it was as if God were speaking/making it happen…a brand new moon suddenly appeared to the left of the star, then another moon to the right and slightly lower than the other one. (This was the only picture I could find online to somewhat capture it.)
I wept as I felt the beauty and glory of it ,and told my son I was so happy to be able to witness it. It was extremely vivid and deeply touching. I could feel myself crying for joy in the dream. It was so vivid I even drew a picture of it in my journal the next day. Could this be the new heaven and the new earth spoken of in Revelation 21?
NOTE: I later realized that this beautiful dream came to me on the day of my birth.
Revelation 21:
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
Revelation 21:5
Then, he who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”
UPDATE 2024:
I have been unable to update this website with 2022-2024 messages, dreams, visions, but want to note here that on 12/9/23, I woke in the middle of the night to hear, “BEHOLD, I make all things new.” I had no idea these exact words were in Revelation in the Bible! I added that exact scripture as shown above. I implore you again to make your hearts right with God before it is too late. The time is at hand! (See Messages 2014).
DREAM: I woke from a vivid dream of lots of people walking around in a large city with white masks on. They were in some kind of large square. Lots and lots of people, all wearing white masks. I had no idea what it could mean, but simply wrote what I saw in my notebook and quickly fell back asleep.
This dream came after I was awakened earlier that same night to a VISION of a what I called in my notebook “a spore of some kind with spikes all over it.” (See Visions 2014). I woke myself up asking, “what is it Lord?” I had absolutely no idea what it meant, but simply wrote what I saw, and about my asking God what it was, then fell back asleep.
Little did I know, that six years later the “spore” I saw would in fact be the COVID-19 virus that would infect the entire world in 2020.