1/12/14 Woke to: “Friends and relatives will see you not.”
I was having a dream about me laying hands on a man for healing while I was praying in the spirit. I kept praying louder and louder until a calm came over me, and I knew he was healed! Then I suddenly woke up from the dream and heard the words “Friends and relatives will see you not.” Just as when I had heard “Physician Heal Thyself” (6/29/13), I think this message was to let me know my friends and family will not receive these writings as having any significance. I am to share with those who do not know me.
1/14/14 Woke to hearing the sound of three loud knocks.

Then, I proceeded to have a very vivid dream of a man sitting at a desk inside an office. He was looking at a newspaper for a sign from God. I went in and said, “I do that too, I often ask God for a sign!” Then I looked up and I noticed a newspaper on the wall next to his desk, and I saw the word “NOW” and watched as it got bigger “NOW” and even bigger “NOW.” (See Dreams 2014.)
I immediately woke up and remembered the three loud knocks I heard before the dream. Was God telling me THIS IS YOUR SIGN? Was the knocking an attempt to wake me up – to listen? Was the message: “This is your sign! NOW – NOW – NOW!” Yet, I did nothing.
2/18/14 “Anointing” and “Luke 1:11”
I went to a coffee shop on this day and brought a note pad with me. When I lifted the first page, I noticed I had written “anointing” directly over the top of “Luke 1:11.”
These were clearly words I had received in the middle of night, scribbled them on a notepad, and fell back asleep. I’m not sure if I heard both words the same night or totally different nights. It WAS clear, however, that I had scribbled the word anointing in the darkness of night exactly over the top of Luke 1:11. I chose to add them on this day because that’s when I saw them. For whatever reason, God wanted me to record them on this day in 2014.

Luke 1:11
And there appeared to him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the alter of incense.
2/20/14 See Dreams 2/20/14. I had a dream this night about a group of people (dressed like depictions of ancient Assyrians) asking for something from another group of people. I wondered if it was our DNA. The group on right was asking how they would be recompensed. I hadn’t read the entire Bible yet, and recompense was not a word in my vocabulary.

Five days later, I would wake to the name of an international project to complete the mapping of the human genome!
2/25/14 Woke to: “Genome Project.” I woke in the middle of the night to hear these two words, wrote them down and fell back asleep. Later the same night, I was awakened again! This time I heard the word: “Legions,” wrote it down and fell asleep. The next day I googled Genome Project:
The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international, collaborative research program whose goal is the complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beings.

NOTE: Interesting that I heard this after a dream of ancient(?) people/beings asking for the DNA(?) of mankind (Dreams 2/20/14). I also heard “Legions” right after “Genome Project.” The Bible speaks of LEGION meaning many DEMONS!
3/12/14 Woke to: “Big Picture!”
I was saying the words out loud in my sleep and woke myself up!
3/15/14 Woke to: “The time is at hand.”

Then I immediately remembered an earlier dream – of things to come? (See Dreams 2014.) There were many signs shown, one after another after another, listed in chronological order, and all were leading to some kind of desolation.

I couldn’t remember how many were listed. All I could remember was the last one, “we are the written words.” I was not allowed to see more than that for whatever reason.
4. We are the written words.
3/23/14 Woke to: “A storm is coming. Be prepared!”

7/17/14 (See Dreams 2014.) I dreamed and saw planets shifting as if God was moving them.
7/20/14 (See Visions 2014.) I saw the Coronavirus in 2014!!!

8/14/14 Woke to: “Tell them about the generations of/from homosexuals.”
God wanted me to speak his truth regarding his perfect plan for human kind. There are NO generations from same sex couples – IT IS NOT FROM GOD. It is NOT God’s plan – and I was to record it and share it.
9/2/14 Woke to: “This is the answer to what will be done…Silva.”
We had just started renting rooms in our home to a grandmother and her two grandsons. Their name was different than their grandmother’s, and I wasn’t even aware of it. The next morning, I told her what I had heard. She quickly responded, “that’s the kids’ last name – Silva!” Perhaps her grandsons will do something important for God. Or could there be another Silva? Four days later I would wake to another name I’d never heard before.
9/6/14 Woke to: “Jim Joice.”
No idea who he was or what it meant. I heard, and saw, the spelling of the name, wrote it down, and fell back asleep. I believe he is another person God has a plan for. Watch for both Silva and Jim Joice. Update: Jim Joice is a government consultant in Washington D.C. (Apex Government Consulting.)
10/24/14 Woke to: Uncertain unless you pass the initiative.”
It sounded as if someone was speaking inside a helmet!!! Truly. It was a deep thundering voice…loud, powerful, deep, and low. Was it God? Or an angel? The next day I looked up the definition of initiative…
1) An introductory act or step; leading action.
2) Readiness and ability in initiating action.

12/4/14 Woke to: “Called to do something He’s already equipped you to do!”
I simply wrote what I heard. I certainly did not feel “equipped” at that time. I allowed the enemy to say I wasn’t capable, smart enough, etc. to do anything with what God was saying to me. I did not pass the initiative. It wouldn’t be until 2021 that I finally took the “initiative” to start this website.
12/15/14 Woke to: “Alfalfa, fish eggs.”
Felt light-headed today, slight vision interference, it was very strange. Had to lie down and rest. We bought some caviar and alfalfa that night, and my husband said “we’ll make it a Christmas tradition!” It was fun – and delicious! As usual, I had no idea why I heard it.

12/25/14 Woke to: “His truth is marching on.”
I knew it was from a song, but had to look up lyrics. It is the Battle Hymn of the Republic written by Julia Ward Howe during the American Civil War when she was asked to write a fighting men’s song.

The words came to her in the middle of the night. She would later remember saying to herself, “I must get up and write these verses down, lest I fall asleep again and forget them.”
How interesting I too have risen from bed to write words I have heard – lest I fall asleep again and forget them. Just as I awoke from deep sleep on this night and wrote: His truth is marching on! How appropriate God would share this truth on Christmas Day. Glory Glory Hallelujah, His Truth is marching on.

First stanza of the lyrics: Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword: His truth is marching on.
12/29/14 Woke to: “Glory to the Newborn King.”
Could this be the actual day of Christ’s birth? I knew it was a beloved Christmas song, and I looked up the lyrics the next morning. I will leave it to the viewer to do the same for both songs. They may surprise you.