Words from God – 2016

10/6/16 Woke to: Break my heart for what breaks yours.

I had no idea why God gave me this message but obediently wrote it down. Little did I know what was to come. My grown daughter and I would sadly fall out of our very dear and close relationship because of our differences regarding politics. In the coming months, she would completely remove me from her life. My heart was truly broken and I’ve cried oceans of tears since then. We have both experienced great sorrow and loss.

THIS is what the Father must feel when his children choose to stray away from him. God was revealing to me his great sorrow through mine.

11/7/16 Woke to: “Propitiation” (Another word not in my vocabulary!)

Again, I had no idea what it meant, but simply wrote it down and fell back asleep. That morning, I turned on the car radio after poor communication with my daughter the night before regarding the 2016 election. As soon as I turned the radio on, I immediately heard the words dilemma and propitiation!!! This was NOT an accident. I later went home and looked up the definition:

The action of propitiating or appeasing God, or a person.

Pacify, especially to make concessions (to someone, such as an aggressor or a critic) often at the sacrifice of principles.

The day before the 2016 presidential election, I had told my daughter I wanted to please God more than I wanted to please her (how she wanted me to vote) and that I would be voting more conservative. That very night, God would wake me from deep sleep to hear the word propitiation.”

Again, I didn’t even know what that word meant and had to look it up the next day. I told my daughter I was concerned about the growing spiritual and moral decay I saw happening in the world and that I would be voting for candidates with more conservative values. This caused her to leave my life from that point forward. I knew this was a test. It is still a test. There has been deep, deep sorrow for both of us because of the loss of our wonderful prior relationship. I continue to pray for her and her family, and for reconciliation. I am trusting it will happen in God’s perfect timing.

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