Visions – 2021


I was awakened in the middle of the night to a vision of four round spheres (with a grid in each) and each one was divided into quarters…

1st was ¼, 2nd was ½, 3rd was ¾ and last was whole (or complete). I felt it was related to time. I believe we are living in this last quarter of time when God’s perfect plan for us and this world will be complete. If you don’t know Jesus, I implore you to to invite him into your heart before it is too late.

THE TIME IS AT HAND! (See Messages 2014)

A STORM IS COMING – BE PREPARED! (See Messages 2014)


Woke to vision of a huge crowd of people in a large plaza or square(?). I had no idea where exactly this was, but it did not feel like the U.S. All the people were turning toward one side, looking slightly upward with their right arm raised and fingers pointed (like a Hitler salute).

Before I saw the vision of the crowd, I was shown that instead of praying to God/Jesus – they were worshipping “someone” – or some “thing.” Could it have been the beast or an image like the Bible tells us will happen in the end times?

Revelation 13:15

And it was given unto him to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause those who do not worship the beast to be killed.

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