Words from God – 2015

1/5/15 Woke to: “CINT.”
I could see the word, every letter was capitalized – and I heard it! I had no idea what it meant, but obediently wrote it down and went back to sleep. I googled it the next day:

CINT: Government agency in Los Alamos – Nano-technology. Manipulation of atomic, molecular and supra molecular matter.

Again, I am not college-educated and do not keep up with world affairs. Was the government involved in this at that time?

5/4/15 Woke to: “Seattle,” then heard “Lineage.” As usual, I wrote the words in my notebook, then fell back asleep. In the morning I saw that I had written “and a 3rd word?” under the words Seattle and Lineage. Evidently I couldn’t (or was not allowed to) remember the third word.

5/21/15 Woke to: Impartation.” This was not a word in my vocabulary. I had an idea of what it meant of course, but it wasn’t a word I would use in my every day vocabulary, so I looked up the definition the next day. Isn’t this EXACTLY what God had been (and still is) doing – imparting messages on my mind without actually speaking? Yet I hear them in my mind and often see them at same time!

The transmission of information
-Communication by means of transmitted signals.
-The imparting of news or promises.
To make known; tell; relate; disclose
To give; bestow; communicate

6/13/15 Woke to and saw vision of: “The kingdom is in you.”
I heard the words the kingdom is in you, then I immediately saw a vision of the words coming together like refrigerator magnets – as if someone was moving them! It was very vivid and the colors were very bold.

6/25/15 Woke to: “He sprinkles understanding on each one of us in a different way. Isn’t it wonderful?” Again, I immediately wrote this in my notebook and fell back asleep. This message was so clear as if someone was standing right next to me.

10/5/15 Woke to: “Onward Christian Soldiers.
I dutifully wrote it down and went back to sleep. It’s an old song. Will leave to reader to look up rest of lyrics, but this is certainly truth at this time in history.

Onward, Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus,
Going on before.

10/7/15 Woke to: “Go Tell It on the Mountain
Another old (African-American spiritual) song dating back to 1865. Will leave to reader to look up lyrics.

11/4/15 Woke to: “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently.

11/10/15 Woke to: “My work here is finished.” This really made me pause. Was this an angel speaking to me? Would I no longer hear from God? I had no clue what I was supposed to do with everything that had been given to me. But the message the week before was to “rest in the Lord and wait patiently – and so I did.

NOTE: I would not hear anything until one year later in 2016 – and it would be one word only.

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