Visions – 2021

2/13/21  I was awakened in the middle of the night to a vision of four round spheres (with a grid in each) and each one was divided into quarters… 1st was ¼, 2nd was ½, 3rd was ¾ and last … Read More

Visions – 2020

9/1/20 Woke to a vision of looking out the window of a tall building (toward the east) at a volcano erupting in the distance, then felt myself frantically running down lots of stairs to get to ground level. When I … Read More

Visions – 2017

4/26/17 VISION Woke to a vision of a Chinese/Asian(?) army attacking Portland, Oregon. It was a total surprise attack! I first saw a submarine coming up the Willamette River, followed by lots of airplanes. Then all of sudden, an army … Read More

Visions – 2015

5/1/15 I suddenly woke from a deep sleep and had vision of a….. bacteria? organism? virus? It was as if I was looking through a microscope! Then I saw the outline of the state of North Carolina like it was … Read More